Indian Key
I just got back from another Keys trip, this time I was able to sail down Hawk Channel to Indian Key. This is a very small key that was home to a "wrecker", that is, a person who preyed upon ships that had run aground on Alligator Reef. He wound up building a small town on the Key which thrived until virtually all its inhabitants were killed by an Indian raid in 1840.
The trip down was uneventful--a nice 5 hour sail in warm weather. However, when I got up the next morning a viscous cold front had moved through, bringing with it high Northeast winds and cold temperatures. It blew like crazy for 3 days, leaving me on the hook, tucked in behind the Key while waiting it out. this gave me PLENTY of time to explore the key, and to visit with folks who had come over on an excursion Catamaran from Lower Matacumbe Key. Also, I got to see a Tiger Shark, which surfaced just about 30 feet from Harvey--I at first thought "Hmmm--never saw a striped Dolphin". A pretty animal, certainly.
Also, while I had all this time to think, I came up with another plan on how to proceed with my sailing career. I plan to sell Harvey (Sob!) and buy a larger, more comfortable, and more powerful boat. Stay tuned.